Biodynamic Therapy
Biodynamic Therapy
...because life is worth living well
I'm Hilary Price and I am passionate about Biodynamic Therapy because of the difference it has made to my own physical and mental health - and the transformation I see in my clients.
If you are affected by stress, trauma, or chronic illness you may be finding life difficult or painful - even with the best medical treatment available.

I'd like to offer you the chance to...
...take a compassionate look at your life
...gently uncover and resolve the causes of your distress
...rediscover your natural vitality and wellbeing
...because life is worth living well
Look around my website to discover how Biodynamic Therapy might benefit you.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me .
I am currently working remotely with long term clients only due to the Coronavirus pandemic. If you are looking for a therapist now, please see details of Biodynamic Th​erap​y elsewhere
Please see my new Privacy Notice
LOW COST ONLINE SESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE for Adult Survivors of abuse at
Aurora Foundation for people abused in childhood, London SW15,
0208 541 1951 www.aurorafoundation.org.uk